Friday, May 10, 2013


PJ and I headed out for a day trip to go snowshoeing about 3 weeks ago. We were up in Levico Terme, a mountainous area by the Italian|Austrian boarder, where there happens to be a WWI route with several fortifications along the trail. Apparently, both Italy and Austria wanted the land, and at some point in history Levico Terme and the surrounding land were considered Austrian. It is a beautiful area where you can apparently get great Italian food and great schnitzel!

We went with about 10 other people on an outdoor rec trip and managed to walk the 8 mile trail [4 miles up and 4 miles down] in around 5 hours including a nice, relaxing lunch break at the summit. In April there was still about 4 feet of snow on the ground, which lead to a lot of awkward sinking in the sunny areas.

PJ is ready to go!

One of the fortifications.

We finally made it!

What a view!

PJ holding on for his life!

Enjoying his lunch.
It was about 20 degrees C this day. 

Starting the trek down.

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