Saturday, June 29, 2013


CoC, in military lingo, stands for Change of Command. I am catching on slowly. PJ has officially taken Command of Easy Company and has been working extremely hard for the past few weeks. The ceremony took place on the parade field, luckily it was a beautiful day. The outgoing Commander’s wife receives red roses while the incoming Commander’s wife [myself] receives yellow ones. There is a symbolic passing of the guidon, which represents the passing of ones responsibilities to the new Commander. Both the outgoing and incoming Commanders give small speeches ending in “Too easy, First Rock, Sky Soldiers, Airborne.”

The ceremony was pretty quick but nice. The outgoing Commander says his fair wells and is not suppose to return to the Company. The new Commander then holds a small reception, which PJ's happened to be in the motor pool, where he meets and greets people as they come in.

Below are some images for the ceremony:

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