Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Our new adventure has begun! During Veterans Day weekend PJ and I packed up our apartment in NYC on the Upper East Side and headed down to Virginia in order for our belongings to begin the long journey from Fort Lee, VA to Vicenza, Italy. With help from my mom, dad, Jarod and 2 handy movers we were able to pack up a U-Haul, drive 10 hours in traffic, and unpack a U-Haul within about 24 hours.

With only 2 weeks from the time we moved our stuff to VA until the movers were coming to pack it all back up, PJ and I had to sift through our plates, glasses and belongings and donate or toss anything that was not coming with us or going into storage. Needless to say, the apartment has been an explosion of boxes, bubble wrap, and newspaper for 2 weeks, which Reesey has not minded in the least as she has enjoyed stealing things out of the boxes any chance she gets.

We have packed 2 suitcases each and must live out of them until our unaccompanied baggage arrives in Italy, hopefully in mid January. In the mean time, we will be traveling between Tennessee, Virginia, New York, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island with a Thanksgiving trip to Disney mixed in!


while furnished


a mess
arrivederci :(

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