Saturday, January 19, 2013


Our first week in Italy has been very busy! PJ and I arrived on Monday night around 7:30pm and settled into the hotel. We are staying at a hotel located on Camp Ederle until we find an apartment of our own. 

     Our first realizations while in Vicenza.

     Italians don’t eat dinner any earlier than 7/7:30pm. We figured that out our second night  
     here when PJ and I ventured into the Historic Center and tried to find a ristorante open at 
     6:00…. good luck. We are definitely not in NYC anymore.

     Several local Italians have warned us that they do not know how to drive in the  
     snow/slush in this area. Apparently it does not snow that often, so when it does beware! 
     Mental note made.

     It truly is a small world. We visited the vet this past Thursday with our puppy. Typically the  
     military has its own vet on post, but in this case they could not fit us in until this coming  
     Wednesday, so they suggested a local 24 hour vet who has worked with the military for 
     several years. The vet spoke English very well and mentioned that he studied in the US 
     for a bit when he was in school. Turns out he studied at The University of Tennessee’s 
     veterinary program! Sounds like PJ and I have found our new Italian Vet!

     Italian leases are for 4 years, not 1. This means PJ and I had better love our apartment or 
     go through quite a struggle to break the lease.

     While it is fantastic that the military provides assistance with finding a house/apartment 
     while stationed here, the options provided aren’t always what one is looking for. PJ and I 
     have opted to use a local realtor (which it sounds like many people do, but the housing 
     office won’t tell you that) and we had our first meeting with Stefania Friday night. We head 
     out Monday to look at some great apartments in the Historic Center and maybe to Padova 
     to look at places later this coming week!

     Thus far, every Italian we have meet has been nothing but friendly, even ones that do not 
     speak a word of English. Even the people who do not speak English have taught us some 
     words in Italian.

Piazza dei Signori
Ciao per ora!


  1. Sounds Great Jess! So glad you are blogging throughout this adventure! Have fun and be safe!


  2. What an amazing adventure you two will be on!! Soak it up!
